Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Open Bible Churches is an association of churches and ministers with a mission to globally make disciples, develop leaders, and plant churches. We have our roots in the 1906 Azusa Street Revival and began in 1935, the result of a merger of the Bible Standard Conference, out of Eugene, Oregon, and Open Bible Evangelistic Association, founded in Des Moines, Iowa. Our name reflects our foundation; we embrace the Bible as God’s Word and seek to build who we are, what we believe, and what we do on the Bible, which must be open in order to discover and apply its truth.

Our Vision: To reach the unchurched, raise up mature Christians, and equip them for the ministry as we rejoice together in worship.

Our Mission: To care for people, introduce them to Jesus Christ, and to help them grow through prayer, worship, development of their spiritual gifts, and understanding of the Bible in a Spirit-Filled, friendly atmosphere.

Our Core Values: Surrender to God, sound Doctrine, prayer, obedience to God's Word, worship in Spirit and Truth, evangelism, missions, equipping the saints, strong family relationships, fulfillment of the Great Commission, and the preaching and living of the Cross Principle.

We want to be compassionate about the Great Commission, committed to "Make Disciples, Develop Leaders, and Plant Churches."